Blackberry, Game

Setup Cocos2D-x for BB10

ImageHave you ever know Cocos2D-x ? yes it is branch Cocos2d-iPhone you can find more about it by accessing their website

Today focus is how to configure Cocosd=2D-x for creating Game on BlackBerry 10. So lets begin!

You need to download Cocos2D-x from their site and of course the BlackBerry NDK from cascades download site

Since Cocos2D-x is a zip file, so you can extract it to somewhere, i extract it to C:\cocos2d-x-2.1 (i`m windows user). and you have to run setup process for the BlackBerry NDK.

To start creating Cocos project for BlackBerry 10, go to cocos2d-x-2.1 folder and locate create-blackberry-project.vbs and execute it so you are prompted to fill the Project Name

Klik OK to proceed, then you will see this kind of alert which is tell you to open your BlackBerry 10 NDK and import the created project.

And you will find there is new folder created which has same name with the project name, well its your future project folder 🙂

Next step is you have to open BlackBerry NDK

and import the YuhuBB10 Project into it.

don`t forget to import cocos2dx and CocosDenshion to.

Next, you got to set the simulator, and compile the project then Run.

OK, thats it, you can create Game easily with Cocos 🙂 wait for my next tutorial. see ya:)


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